Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Issue Of Legalization Of Marijuana - 1605 Words

â€Å"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.† This was said by one of the most famous scientists in the United States known as Carl Sagan. Marijuana has been one of the most debated topics in the media today, and numerous years before. Altogether, this debate has raised many questions, yet with very few answers of whether the legalization of marijuana should be passed, and expressed throughout the nation as a whole. The fight for legalizing marijuana has embraced itself to see success. The legalization of marijuana is essential in society today for three reasons: failed prohibition does not work, profitable agricultural uses, and its imperative role in medicine. As shown throughout history, prohibition has never successfully worked here in the United States, and more than likely never will. The federal government has continuously tried to apply and use criminal penalties to prevent the use of marijuana use for several decades, but people still continue to use â€Å"natural herb.† Obesity is an epidemic, especially here within the states, killing people every year, yet the government has no power to regulate how much or how healthy something is for a citizen to eat it. According to, It is now believed to be known that â€Å"marijuana is used by more than 25 million people throughout theShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Legalization Of Marijuana Essay1857 Words   |  8 PagesLegalization of Marijuana The role that social policies have in the lives of every citizen cannot be understated, as the rules, regulations, and laws that govern our society provide the foundation off which our social welfare system operates. Over the past several decades, the social policy issue of the legalization of marijuana has gained substantial traction in the public eye, making it a priority topic to be addressed on the government agenda. With Colorado and Washington becoming the firstRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalization Of Marijuana886 Words   |  4 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Many Americans struggle with the idea of legalizing marijuana.. Does legalizing marijuana, for medical purposes, help people suppress the symptoms of depression and anxiety? Research shows us many different ways that medical marijuana helps people who struggle with depression and anxiety. For depression, it suppresses their symptoms. It also lifts their moods. For anxiety it helps push away the worriness and the stress of things they cannot control. Many people are diagnosedRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalization Of Marijuana958 Words   |  4 Pagesalcohol! The government knows what’s good for us! You can’t overdose on marijuana! Public schools told me â€Å"Be Healthy, don’t do drugs.† Arguments such as these are always thrown back and forth when going into a controversial conversation dealing with legalization of marijuana. Many people are on both ends of the spectrum when dealing with the legalization some may personally be involved due to run-ins with the law, family related issues, or personal beliefs. In a study, it was concluded that â€Å"more thanRead MoreThe Issue Of Marijuana Legalization Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pages The issue of marijuana legalization has been a hot topic in recent times, but to understand first why it became illegal. Marijuana became illegal the first time shortly after the Mexican Revolution ended in 1910. After their revolution, many people from Mexico brought with them their customs their ideas and with them they brought their use of marijuana as a relaxant and medicine for many ailments. 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Now with many people sick the only other option after numerous prescriptions that make the people sicker marijuana given its pain releasing properties seems to be the only thing we can count on. Marijuana first dated euphoric use dates back to 2737 BC. Its use spread from China to IndiaRead MoreThe Prevailing Issues For And Against Legalization Of Marijuana1409 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the prevailing issues for and against legalization of marijuana? Just because something is labelled as â€Å"illegal† does not mean it is bad. Likewise, when something is labelled as â€Å"legal† does not mean it is not bad. Throughout the progression of time, the Western outlook on Marijuana has changed drastically. A few decades ago, the idea of smoking Marijuana was perceived as a menace to the public and the discussion of legalizing Marijuana was greatly frowned upon. Particularly during the earlyRead MoreEthical Issues with Legalization of Marijuana Essay1349 Words   |  6 Pages2011 Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America behind only alcohol and tobacco, and is estimated that nearly 80 million Americans use it at least one occasion.    According to government surveys, some 20 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year, and more than 11 million do so regularly despite harsh laws against its use. Being used for medicinal purposes or simply for recreational, there are not only laws to consider when the topic of legalization comes upRead MoreA Blunt Reality: The Controversial Issue of Marijuana Legalization1153 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversial issue of legalizing cannabis. Of course, several states have publicly legalized marijuana to the extent of medical use (with the exception of Colorado as it legalized both medical and recreational use). If something with a notoriously high capacity for abuse is forbidden but more and more exceptions are being made until everyone starts experimenting with it, we’ve got a prob lem on our hands. Although there are any number of reasons you can come with as to why marijuana should not beRead MoreShould Marijuana Legalization Be Legal?1532 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana Legalization Marijuana legalization is an issue that the United States is currently facing. Through all branches and aspects of government, the concept of marijuana legalization can be applied and understood. In order to better frame the policy issue, the policy should be viewed through different lenses and all aspects of government. In this essay, it will be shown how marijuana legalization truly incorporates all areas of government interest. First, the politics of marijuana legalization

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