Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Justice and Moral Development - 925 Words

The concept of justice is something that helps to guide most individuals in that they believe in this concept to make a loss better. Many individuals will see law enforcement agencies, especially the officers that work for an agency, to be the tool that will be used to garner their justice. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development theory can help to explain criminal behavior in that a criminal that acts out for a particular reason will not be able to understand the stages that are beyond the one that they are in, such as only being interested in pleasing themselves. Using this information, a plan of deterrence can be made for criminals and arrive at justice for the victims and their families involved. The concept of justice can mean†¦show more content†¦This type of program would almost need to be able to deprogram the positives from the negative lifestyles that they are living. An effective and ethical method of deterrence for the vigilante killer would be incapacitation as the person had committed one of the gravest crimes in taking a life or lives. Of course, the person that was killed may be seen by society as potentially deserving to this fate, but it goes against the concept of justice as that person will have family members that love them the same as the original victims. Each of these types of deterrence can not only assist the criminal in being able to either be punished for what they have done or learn to change their way, but will also provide the victims of the crimes with justice. References Heilbrun Jr., A. B., amp; Georges, M. (1990). The measurement of principled morality by the Kohlberg Moral Dilemma Questionnaire. Journal of Personality Assessment, 55(1/2), 183. Nidich, R. J., Nidich, S. I., amp; Alexander, C. N. (2005). Moral Development and Natural Law. Journal Of Social Behavior amp; Personality, 17(1), 137-149. Rest, J., Turiel, E., amp; Kohlberg, L. (1969). Level of moral development as a determinant of preference and comprehension of moral judgments made by others. Journal Of Personality, 37(2), 225.Show MoreRelatedAbstract. Lawrence Kohlberg’S’ Theory Of Moral Development1574 Words   |  7 PagesLawrence Kohlberg’s’ theory of Moral development suggests that moral development regards justice concerns as developmentally more advanced than interpersonal considerations. Kohlberg’s theory consists of three different levels and six stages that determines what stage a person is in according to their responses in a moral dilemma. I will discuss the research study between Mexican Americans and Anglo-Americans and gender differences when it comes to decision making in moral dilemmas. I will discuss howRead MoreFeminist Thought and Ethics of Care Essay993 Words   |  4 Pagesfocus on justice, care, an equally valid moral perspective, is usually disregarded because of male bias. 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