Tuesday, September 24, 2019

General Services Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

General Services Administration - Research Paper Example Its vision is related to the enhancement of the mission goals to ensure that the quality of the service delivery is retained while negating any form of challenges that may derail service delivery. GSA is guided by three strategic goals namely innovation, customer intimacy and operational excellence. The agency is involved in a wide range of activities that enhances proper functioning of the US governance system. One of its crucial roles includes relaying products and communications in the US government offices. Besides their involvement in a wide array of activities, the agency enhances the provision of transportation and proper working space for federal employees. It also formulates cost-minimizing strategies to enhance the performance of governance structures. GSA provides job opportunities for approximately 12 000 workers and has an operating budget of approximately $26.3 billion. GSA manages most of the US federal property that includes buildings and motor vehicles. Some of the r eal estate assets that are managed by GSA are Ronald Regan Building, Hat-Dole-Inouye Federal Centre and the World Trade Centre. GSA is also involved in the business line that includes Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Public Buildings Service (PBS), Office of the Citizens and Communications and office of the government wide Policy among others. The paper below discusses the creation, purpose and impact of General Services Administration on today's society.... GSA is also involved in the business line that includes Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Public Buildings Service (PBS), Office of the Citizens and Communications and office of the government wide Policy among others. The paper below discusses the creation, purpose and impact of General Services Administration on today's society. Creation The preliminary idea for the formation of GSA emanated from 1947’s Herbert Hoover led commission. The commission had been obligated with the role of coming up with recommendations that would enhance service delivery of the federal government. GSA attained the status of an independent agency in 1949 with the enactment of Federal Property and Administrative Services Act with Jess Larson being named as the first administrator (United States, 2009). Currently, GSA conducts its functions through 11 offices located in Denver, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City, Missouri, Ft. Worth, Washington DC and Kansas City. Produ cts and Services According to National Research Council (U.S.)., Brose, and Millett (2012), the agency acts as the procurement and acquisition arm of the federal government. Its acquisition roles include offering of the office equipments, communication products and other solutions related to information systems to enable the federal agencies offer effective services to the public. These products and services include: Professional and Technical Solutions GSA provides a wide range of improved professional and quality services that helps in promoting the federal agency performance and assists them to achieve their goals. The solutions offered by the agency include complete management, consulting and financial services to federal institutions and other constituent agencies. It also

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