Sunday, September 1, 2019

Eulogies: Eulogy and Philosophy Collection Article

Informative Speech Outline Eulogies Introduction Attention Getter: Life is not just about the number of days we live, or the number of contacts we have. Our lives can have an immeasurable and undetectable affect on others. Motivational Link: At some point in our lives we could write, read, or even hear a eulogy about someone that we once knew. Purpose Statement: Through the context of my presentation it is my purpose to enlighten you on the qualities that make these speeches so memorable.Preview Statement: In order to gain a better understanding, we must first examine the history of where they originated, then we can focus on where and how they are used today, and finally discuss the elements used when writing one. Body It is important to know the history of eulogies as it gives us an insight of where they originated to why we use them. The origin of the eulogy. The word originated from the Greek language, and from the words â€Å"word/ speech of praise† â€Å"It was first kn own use was in the 15th century†. This is according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online that was update in 2013.There have been many famous eulogies throughout history, from Shakespeare (1616) to Michael Jackson (2009). The purpose and they way they are composed are no different. This is a part of history that is does not change but grows. Sign Post: Now that we have discussed the history of eulogies, where they originated, let us look at where and how they are used today. A eulogy can be performed at all kinds of celebrations. Most commonly we think of eulogies being given as part of a funeral service. They take place in either a funeral home and can be preformed during or after a wake.A wake is the period of visitation of the deceased. A eulogy may also be performed during the main service. Also there can be living funerals for those who are severely ill or elderly which are used to express words of love and gratitude before they pass In the novel Tuesdays with Morrie C opyright  © 2006, the professor named Morrie preferred to have a living funeral, so that he could hear all the wonderful things his family and colleagues had to say about him. As well as praising individuals who will be passing soon, eulogies can also be a time to praise those who are still living and have something special to celebrate.In cases of retirement, promotions, birthdays, or even weddings. However, some religions do discourage, or do not permit at all during the time of service to maintain respect for tradition and their higher power/ beliefs. a. In catholic mass the priest are prohibited by the rubrics of the mass. â€Å"’Eulogy’ is not part of our catholic tradition, and it doesn’t belong in a catholic funeral mass† November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection article â€Å"Let’s Bury the Eulogy† As we did learn in the history that the word eulogy is Greek for word of praise, the catholic take these words in another conten t. we come to bury Caesar and not to praise the wretch, as Shakespeare says, because the only one we praise in liturgy is Christ† Again November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection article â€Å"Let’s Bury the Eulogy† Sign Post: Since you now know where and how eulogies are used today, now we can discuss the components used when writing one. A eulogy is most often delivered by a family member, friend, or even colleagues. The individual who is giving the speech is also the one who wrote it. When preparing and giving a eulogy there are many different components one must consider.There are so many different ideas to consider but if you can focus and remember these five, preparing and delivering a eulogy will be easy. Decide on which approach is appropriate for you some writers take the serious approach, while others bring humor. It doesn’t matter which one you use but it is important to have a conversational tone as if you are talking to friends. The spea ker needs to consider their audience. Does not matter what occasion focus on the positive aspects of the person talking about, even if they do have flaws.Be specific, by making it personal with a story not wanting to just list qualities about the person or achievements they have made. As the writer and speaker you want to be concise and well-organized, so like in any public speaking make an outline, and brainstorm areas that you can talk about, as well as being interesting and avoid rambling. You will want to rehearse, reread the eulogy you have written out load. These will help with making sure it sounds appropriate and if you need to change it. ConclusionSummary Statement: Through examining history, present day usage, and the components of preparation, we have developed a better understanding of eulogies. Leaving Statements: The next time you are at a funeral or special occasion and someone gets up to give a speech of praise, you will know what it took for them to write it, as wel l as have full appreciation to what they are doing for that individual they are speaking of. Tieback: You don’t know what the future holds for you, but you, you can make a difference and impact someone else’s.

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