Saturday, August 10, 2019

In todays economy are we heading towards a Great Depression Research Proposal

In todays economy are we heading towards a Great Depression - Research Proposal Example The American economy is brought to a halt. And with the presidential elections recently concluded, we wonder if the president-elect will be able to save, or at the very least revive, the country’s flat lining economy. What is apparent is that there is a need for a re-assessment of the policies governing these markets. Analysts agree that this brings change to the outlook of America as the top superpower, financially (Faroohar, par. 2). Everyone who used to look up to the financial bigwigs of the United States in awe are now re-thinking if they are in fact right with their views. They are now shifting their thoughts toward a more favorable view of the significance of the government in trade and business. They are already projecting that this in the future will be the definitive moment when global capitalism was uprooted from the U.S. (Zakaria, par. 5-7). Fareed Zakaria in his article at Newsweek points out that today is the ‘Age of Bloomberg’ and the end of the ‘Age of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher’. Perhaps the plummet of laissez-faire capitalism towards something everyone is yet to figure out is something we can all agree upon. If necessary measures are not implemented quickly then this is heading nowhere but another Great Depression. What makes the difference is the knowledge that is available today based on history. Time is of the essence and as anyone can predict, if this continues to drag on into years, then, an impact as great as seen in history books or maybe worse will occur. Ironically, from the independence of a free and unobstructed market, businesses today are looking to the government to facilitate for their breathing room. The $700 billion to be passed on to the taxpayers seems to be too much at hindsight. The implosion of some of the world’s biggest investment banks left everyone dumbfounded. The Great Depression has always been associated

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