Friday, July 26, 2019

The Crusades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Crusades - Essay Example They left for Acre in 1217, and joined John of Brienne, ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Hugh I of Cyprus, and Prince Bohemund IV of Antioch to fight against the Ayyubids in Syria" (Crusade, Wikipedia). The campaign started with seizes of Damietta, in June, 1218 and they gained little success with conquering one tower outside the city on 25th August. But then epidemic swept through the crusader's camp and one of the many casualties was Robert of Couron. But by November the crusaders were able to capture the sultan's port under Francis of Assisi. He tried to negotiate with the sultan numerous times but failed. Slowly but surely the crusaders were gaining footholds in their campaign and ultimately seized Cairo. But their march to Cairo was proved to be disastrous as it was the flooding season of the Nile and "with supplies dwindling, a forced retreat began, culminating in a night attack by Al-Kamil that resulted in a great number of crusader losses and eventually the surrender of the army by Pelagius. The terms of this surrender meant the relinquishing of Damietta to Al-Kamil and an 8 year peace agreement with Europe in return for the original piece of the cross and the prisoners held from the failed advance on Cairo". ( The Sixth Crusade: The Emperor Frederick II of Germany had taken the crusading vow when he was young during his coronation ceremonies. And now it was his turn to salvage the holy land. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was ruled by John of Brienne who was actually had been acting as king. Fredric married his daughter Yolanda and started his campaign in 1228. Though Fredrick was barred considerably with internal conspiracies and movements he was able to force Al-Kamil, the sultan of Egypt into negotiation thereby winning the possession of Nazareth, Sidon, Jaffa, Bethlehem, and all of Jerusalem except the Dome of the Rock in February 18, 1229. Fredrick was not allowed to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, destroyed by Al-Mu'azzam, nephew of Saladin, in 1217 but he entered in to the city victorious and was crowned king on March 18th. But due to constant restraints by the conspirators back home Fredrick left Jerusalem in May and in 1244 when the truce ended Jerusalem was taken by the Mamluks. The Seventh Crusade: The Seventh Crusade was started by King Louis IX of France. For his campaign to recover the holy land King Louis IX became known as Saint Louis later in his life. Some scholars believe that this title was given to him simply because of his great devotion to God and not for his crusade campaign. The Mamluks took possession of Jerusalem in 1244. Louis felt it was his duty to announce his version of Crusade. King Louis IX of

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